Cogito ergo sum

Random gibberish.

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Location: Hong Kong

Lazy, Dreamy, Thoughtful, Confident, Hooked on to music, Big smile, A hopeless romantic - sounds like me!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

watta farce!

FTV banned

NEW DELHI: The Information and Broadcasting Ministry on Thursday decided to ban FTV for two months, beginning April 1. This is the second channel to be banned this year. AXN was banned but it came back on air after an apology for beaming objectionable content.

In the case of FTV, the action has been taken for airing programmes such as Midnight Hot, featuring "skimpily dressed and semi-naked models."

Such programmes, according to the Ministry, are against good taste and decency, denigrate women and could adversely affect public morality. The ban has been ordered as per Section 20(2) of the Cable Television Networks Regulation Act, 1995.
The action follows complaints to the Ministry by television viewers.

Sunday, March 11, 2007


guilt is a bitch.
it never lets go.

and u never get to know if you are guilty or not. many a time.
then i guess its coz of the different ways you know you can look at it.

it will never go away. no escape.
deliverance, somehow, is painfully elusive.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

inbox-2-blog part-10

funny. creative.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

i know...

...that its really the people that matter. other things are there but not as important.

...that every word you speak goes to define you as a person. and its a big deal.

...that its enough to be gud @ heart. the other things will fall into place. eventually.

...that it takes an awful long time to forget certain things. memories could be a bad thing at times.

...that my opinion doesnt always count. but then that shouldnt stop me from making one.

...that there are'nt many painful things like a forced smile. its like you are cheating urself.

...that most entertainment channels have the adverse effect. i'm much better off watching movies or sports, even news.

...that i'm very fortunate. and it keeps getting better every day. no complaints.

...that i need a change at work. but then inertia has always been too tough on me.

...that this is getting too long a list. and i'd better stop.