Cogito ergo sum

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Lazy, Dreamy, Thoughtful, Confident, Hooked on to music, Big smile, A hopeless romantic - sounds like me!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

right things, wrong things - a whole load of crap?

huge thing to think about. big scope. more questions than anything, coz for me, answers never solve anything, they just create more questions. crazy huh?

how do we know something-anything- is right or wrong? is it by comparing it with something? no, it cant be....coz then you should know for sure that that thing-the benchmark- is either right or wrong...and how do you know that? because someone has told you? or because its how somethings been done for ages - for ever - or watever? how would something be right or wrong just because someone-or a lot of people- say so? is there a way to prove it?

do you just feel that something is right or wrong? and then act on that feeling? what is that feeling based on? values? what if they are just vagaries of perception? how do we accept values as ours? coz we like the feeling? is it as simple as that? if its just that, wouldnt everyone have his or her own set of rights and wrongs? if that is the case, would there be anything in the world that is absolutely right or absolutely wrong? even laws wouldnt make sense then! aha!

or is it just a case of having a set of priorities? based on some convoluted logic, you decide, believe, swear on a set of priorities...and then say that anything that goes against is wrong? is that fair? isnt it more like not respecting another one? or is this a case for 'for each his own'? maybe i am going into too many things, but cant endorse either subjectivism or aynn rand alone here...believe in something and just go for it, yes. exist for your own sake, yes. but reality by consensus? no. what is the purpose of it all then, if you are just gonna act like a robot? bah!

did i just hear someone say 'grow up!'? if i'm an eternal skeptic, there are reasons to it. convince me.either way.


Blogger Lost in trance... said...

just realized that this ones probably one of the most non-lucid stiff i ever wrote..more like a brain-fart...ugh! if someone can make sense out of all that crap, we should probably get married! hahaha :)))

7:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was a nice thoughtful post.
( ) gives something similar to what you are thinking.


2:03 AM  
Blogger Sonia said...

i'm sure loads of people would understand what you're saying. you can't marry all of them! ;o)

it's true, right or wrong is highly relative. i feel it's best if we try and peacefully co-exist with others' opinions; not just with tolerance, but also with respect for their feelings and views.

many people tolerate, but they don't respect. for instance, take religion, most people i know tolerate other religions, but they have no respect for it. they don't try to understand things from another point of view. they feel they alone with go to heaven, or they ARE right, and others are WRONG, but they don't say anything, cos they are being tolerant. this is a topic with a very wide range of things to talk about, since everyone has an opinion about everything. and they all feel they are right.

so i'm just gonna say " live and let live" :o)

4:21 AM  
Blogger Lost in trance... said...

@galit : i guess thaz the problem...wen u stop asking Qs, theres this irritating feeling...wont stop until there is some sense made out of it....sad!

@Anita : i read that..woah..glad they agree! ;)

@sonia : i can atleast try ;O) as long as everyone who understands follow the "live and let live" policy..haha..wat say?

10:02 AM  
Blogger Tabula_Rasa said...

Dropped by...

11:06 AM  
Blogger Sonia said...

lol! sure! best of luck!

11:07 PM  

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