Cogito ergo sum

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Location: Hong Kong

Lazy, Dreamy, Thoughtful, Confident, Hooked on to music, Big smile, A hopeless romantic - sounds like me!

Monday, November 14, 2005

wenz my rendezvous?

i've been pondering a trip to the himalayas or some sages -the really good to em ask em bully em coax em bribe em convince em to take me in as a not for ever, but atleast for some time...just till i have enough...or get bored...whatever comes first..i kinda get jealous of these guys...they r so cool...that kinda self-actualization is really something to brag about....have you thought about it? cant help think how it would feel to be detached...from it emotional dependency on anything or anyone...aint that quite something? a state of pure bliss? interesting thought huh?

but then, as for everything else, there are more questions...what does it really mean to be detached?...does it mean that you ignore atleast some of the feelings that come your way? wouldnt that mean being someone else? atleast for some time? would you like that? i'd like to think its more like soaking up every thought that comes your way...and being at peace with it....a state of nagging thoughts no constant conflict in the mind.....the melee of the outside world just slows down to a soothening a fire test that cleanses you....pure cool is that?

wonder what it takes to reach long does it take to get convinced that its the right thing? how do you know?...its not gonna b easy...again, its not everday that you get there...and not everyone(who wishes to be there) will make it...i guess the flush knob in the brain needs to work first...deep-six all the junk thoughts...the stray ones...the culprits....turn the filter crowding in the brain...too much to ask huh? maybe...interesting thought anyways :)


Blogger Nadia said...

i wonder what it would be like,but isnt it like meditating,an escape from reality and the world,how nice i wish to be there,who wouldnt...

12:58 AM  
Blogger Einsteinophile said...

It's gonna be somethin like the Monk who sold his trance! :)

8:14 PM  
Blogger Sonia said...

it wud be tough, yes. but ultimately worth-it. like most things that are tough.

10:21 PM  
Blogger KJ said...

i think meditation is an escape from realities of life. stay where u r make ur peace with one & all, forgive ur enemies & i m sure u will not need to go to the Himalayas for nirvana.


3:26 AM  
Blogger Arunima said...

I would never like to escape from reality.

2:27 AM  
Blogger Lost in trance... said...

@ Ms.Invisible : thanq. really didnt think there wud b any takers for that one :)

@Nadz : for me, meditation is more about being with yourself, but at the same time at peace with all the thoughts escape, just being

@Einsteinophile : er...more like the monk who enjoys the trance :)

@Sonia : like most things that are tough....true sonz..

@KJ : forgiving for the sake of forgiving wouldnt help much woud it?

@Arunima : Again, the way i luk @ it, its about being comfortable with reality rather than an escape from it...:)

11:54 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I dont really understand it when reality is seen as something outside us. "Those thoughts, those inklings, those patches, those temptations..."

I consider all "those" things as reality itself. If you worry about something, then that itself is your reality, thats you, not something that you can run away from. And in turn, if you are actually running away, then that becomes your reality.

So in a way, the monks' reality is so different from your reality. So its futile saying they have a grip of reality while you dont. And the notion that growing 20 ft long hair and exposing your testicles gives you the key to your reality, while the diesel jeans don't: doesnt sound rational.

But it will be interesting to take a peek into a different kind of reality. And a monk's looks so far away and really exotic.

2:30 AM  

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