Cogito ergo sum

Random gibberish.

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Location: Hong Kong

Lazy, Dreamy, Thoughtful, Confident, Hooked on to music, Big smile, A hopeless romantic - sounds like me!

Monday, February 28, 2005

where art thou?

i've lost my mind. rather a better part of it. and i dont even remember when. thaz the best part. somewhere among the noises.
lifez just drifting. drifting like a feather in the wind. like itz yearning for something to keep it afloat. a fresh whiff of air. a new something. a something to look forward to. to wake up alive every morning. without guilt or doubt. to lend meaning to the chaos, this constant melee.
i've known this before. i've known how it feels. which makes the craving painful. almost unbearable.
finding love is never easy. but it cant elude me. not me. and i'll find my love. make it mine forever. then the world will be mine again.
its enuff that i am convinced. but then there are anomalies. fragments of thought that revolt againt it, this the sly agreement with me and myself. rebel neurons. maybe the pain is not erased completely. but if it is, the pain wouldn't be true, rite? hmmm...


Blogger Unknown said...

why is it that other people can seem to voice our thoughts better than we can ourselves? why does it seem so.... easy for them toarite things, say things that we spend a lifetime trying to make sense of....?

4:43 PM  
Blogger Runglee said...

the chase to forever can cost so much more than it's worth...
maybe they should stick up cautionary signs...

12:25 PM  
Blogger Lost in trance... said...

so true...but then the thought keeps me on the move...rigor mortis is kinda scary yes?

12:43 PM  

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